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Are pets allowed to eat human food?

13 Aug 2024

Are pets allowed to eat human food? The answer depends on the type of food and the type of pet. Here are some general guidelines:

1. Safe food
There are foods that can be given to pets, such as:
Boiled chicken (no seasoning)
fish (boneless)
Vegetables like carrots or pumpkin
Rice or cooked pasta
Boiled potatoes (no seasoning)

2. Dangerous foods
There are foods that can be toxic or dangerous to pets, such as:
Onion and garlic
grapes and raisins
Foods with hot spices or full of garlic

3. Fat and salt
Foods rich in fat or salt can cause health problems such as pancreatitis, heart problems or digestive problems.
4. Additional rules
Eating in moderation: even if the food is not toxic, it is necessary to make sure that only a small amount is used, because human food may not be nutritionally balanced for pets.
Gradualness: If you have decided to give your pet a new food, you should do it gradually to check for allergic reactions or digestive problems.
5. Adapted nutrition for pets
It is recommended to provide pets with a special food that is made especially for them, because this food is formulated to suit their nutritional needs.

If you want to share your food with your pet, it's important to know which foods are safe and which foods to avoid. If you are in doubt about a certain food, it is best to consult a veterinarian before giving it.

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