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Chow Chow Dogs: The Complete Guide

23 Jul 2024

Chow Chow is a dog breed that has become increasingly popular in recent years. They are known for their unique looks and independent nature, and these dogs can make great pets for the right family. However, before bringing one of these dogs into your home, it is important to understand their history, character and specific needs. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about the Chow Chow dog breed.

The Chow Chow dog breed is one of the oldest and most special in the world. It originated in China over 2,000 years ago, where these dogs were originally used as hunting and working dogs, with their thick fur protecting them from the harsh weather. They were also kept as guard dogs and sometimes even used for food and to make clothing from their thick fur.
Chow Chow dogs were brought to England around the first decade of the 19th century, where they quickly became very popular with the wealthy. It is said of Queen Victoria that she was particularly fond of these dogs and that she contributed greatly to the breed's popularity in Europe. Today, the Chow Chow is a beloved dog all over the world.

And where did this strange name Chow Chow come from?
The origin of the name "Chow Chow" is a mystery. Some theories suggest that the name comes from the Chinese word for "food", as the dogs were used for food for their meat in some parts of China. Others believe the name comes from the Chinese word for "bloated lion-dog", which describes the breed's unique appearance.

Character and personality
Chow Chow dogs are known for their independent and slightly reserved nature. They can appear reserved and aloof to strangers, but are able to bond strongly with their family members and become fiercely loyal and protective.
Their reserved nature can also make them seem a little indifferent to the world around them, but they are actually relatively alert and very attentive to what is going on around them. They have a dignified presence and can be serious in their demeanor.
Chow Chows are not very active dogs and prefer to spend their time at home or in the yard. While they enjoy daily walks and moderate exercise, they are not known for their athleticism.When considering adopting a Chow Chow, it is important to understand and appreciate their unique nature. They are not the most lovable or playful breed, but for those who value their independent nature and value a more serious and guarded companion, Chow Chows can make wonderful pets.
Behavior with children
The Chow Chow dog breed can be a great family pet, but they may not be the best choice for a household with small children. These dogs are known for their defensive nature and can feel threatened by strangers, including children. However, with social exposure and proper training, even Chow Chow dogs can learn to interact well with children. But it's important to supervise any interaction between children and Chow Chows to ensure both are safe.

Can they be watchdogs?
Due to their protective nature and strong build, Chow Chows can make excellent watchdogs. They are naturally suspicious of strangers and will not hesitate to protect their family and property. However, it is important to let them form social relationships from an early age to prevent unnecessary aggression and to train them to distinguish between real threats and harmless visitors.

What about being used as emotional support dogs?
Despite their reputation for being aloof and independent, Chow Chows can make excellent service dogs. These dogs have a calming and peaceful presence that can benefit people with anxiety or stress. However, not all Chow Chows are suitable for this role, and special training may be necessary. If you are interested in getting a Chow Chow as a therapy dog, it is important to work with a professional trainer and carefully assess the dog's character and suitability for the job.

Appearance and structure of the Chow Chow
These dogs are known for their different appearance, which earned them the nickname "the teddy bear dog". They are a medium to large breed, weighing between 18 and 32 kg and up to 50 cm tall at the shoulder. The Chow Chow has a broad and strong body structure with a round skull, a short and wide muzzle and small upright triangular shaped ears. Be sure to buy him food for adult dogs of a medium breed or food for adult dogs of a large breed and this will help maintain a healthy life span.
One of the most unique characteristics of a Chow Chow dog is their dense and woolly fur. They have thick fur that is covered with a coarser outer layer giving them a lion-like appearance.The fur comes in a variety of colors, including red, black, blue, cream and cinnamon. The tongue is also a special characteristic of the breed, as its color is blue-black.
While a Chow Chow dog's coat is beautiful, it also requires a lot of maintenance to keep it healthy and tangle-free. Combing as part of the routine is essential, as their fur tends to tangle easily. Professional grooming may also be necessary to keep their coat in top condition. We will cover this topic in the next section.
In addition to their physical appearance, these dogs are also known for their unique gait. They have a stiff and forced gait that is sometimes described as a "walk". The reason for this is their unique bone structure, which includes straight legs and a stiff and upright posture. While this gait may seem unusual, it is a natural part of the breed's anatomy and does not cause them discomfort.

Grooming: how much and why?
Grooming is a very important aspect of caring for a Chow Chow, and owners must be willing to put in the time and effort to keep their dog's coat healthy and tangle-free. Due to their thick and dense fur, they require regular brushing and combing to prevent tangles and keep their fur clean and healthy. It is recommended to brush your Chow Chow at least once a week, and more frequently during the shedding season.
When grooming, it's important to use the right tools.A slicker brush is a good choice for removing fur in preparation for shedding and for detangling, while a metal dog comb can help get rid of excess fur. It is also important to use a grooming brush to get rid of dead fur that collects under the surface. A good bath with dog shampoo every few weeks is also necessary to keep their fur clean and free of dirt and debris.
In addition to regular brushing and bathing, it is also important to pay attention to your Chow Chow's eyes, ears and nails. Their eyes should be clear and free of discharge, while their ears should be clean and free of wax build-up.

How to choose: what to look for?
Choosing the right dog can be a daunting task. As a potential owner, you want to take care to choose a healthy and happy puppy that will fit well with your family and lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you choose the right Chow Chow:
1. Read and learn: before you commit to a dog of any breed and especially a chow chow, it is important to do the preliminary research on it. This includes learning about their character, grooming requirements, and any health problems they may often develop. By doing some preliminary research on the breed, you will be equipped with the knowledge and able to make an informed decision as to whether a Chow Chow is the right dog for you.

2. Choose a breeder with a positive reputation: It is essential that you choose a reputable breeder when choosing a Chow Chow. A good breeder will be able to provide you with information about the dog's health, personality and lineage. Choose a breeder who is willing to show you his facility, introduce you to the dog's parents and provide you with references from previous customers. Avoid breeders who avoid your questions, do not allow you to see the dogs' parents, or do not provide you with proper paperwork and documentation.

3. Health Guarantee: A good breeder will offer a guarantee for the health of its puppies. This means they will be free of genetic diseases and other health problems. Be sure to ask the breeder about their dog health guarantee and what it covers.

4. Get to know the puppy and the parents: before you commit to a Chow Chow puppy, it is important to meet them in person. This will give you a chance to see their character, and ensure they are a good fit for your family. It is also important to meet the puppy's parents, as their personality and health status can give you a good idea of ​​what to expect from the puppy in the future.
5. Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask the breeder questions about the puppy, the breed and his breeding method. A reliable dog breeder will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Is there an option for adoption?
Adopting a Chow Chow dog is a great way to give a dog in need a loving home. There are many rescue organizations for this breed around the world, so it's important to check and find a reputable organization that fits your needs. When adopting a Chow Chow, it's important to remember that they may have been through a long time before arriving at their new home. They may need patience and extra care while they adjust to their new environment.

Many rescue organizations will do their best to ensure that the dog is healthy and well-behaved before adoption. They will usually provide a history of the dog's medical records and behavioral traits, as well as any known past abuse or neglect. This can help you determine if the dog is right for you.

Training and physical activity for the dog Chow Chow
Chow Chows can be a challenging breed to train due to their stubborn and independent nature. Early exposure to animals and people and training are essential for these dogs in order to develop good behavior patterns. Training techniques that rely on positive reinforcement, such as rewards and praise, are often the most effective methods of training a Chow Chow. Consistency and patience are key, as these dogs can take longer to learn new commands and habits.

Health problems
Like any breed, Chow Chows are prone to certain health problems that you should be aware of. Two of the most common health problems that a Chow Chow dog faces are skin problems and allergies.
Chow Chows have a thick double coat that increases the likelihood of skin problems such as skin asthma, dry skin and bacterial or fungal infections. It is important to regularly groom your Chow Chow to maintain its fur and prevent skin irritation. Regular bathing, brushing and grooming can help prevent skin problems and keep your Chow Chow's coat looking shiny and healthy.

Chow Chows are also prone to allergies, which can manifest in a number of ways such as itching, redness and skin irritation. Allergies can be caused by a variety of factors such as food, pollen and other environmental allergens. It is important to keep an eye out for any signs of allergies, and take steps to minimize their exposure to allergens. You can discuss with your veterinarian to identify potential allergens and develop a plan to treat allergies by hypoallergenic dog food.

One of the best ways to avoid common health problems in Chow Chow dogs is to make sure they receive regular veterinary care. Regular checkups with your veterinarian can help catch health problems early, and can help prevent more serious problems from developing. Additionally, providing your Chow Chow with a healthy diet and regular exercise can help keep them healthy.

Elderly care
As Chow Chows age, they may require more care and special attention to keep them healthy and comfortable. Older dogs may develop movement problems or joint problems, and they may need dog food supplements or vitamins to help them deal with these problems. It is important to pay attention to older chow chows in order to spot signs of pain or discomfort in time and adjust their treatment as needed.

The ideal living area
While Chow Chow dogs can fit into a wide variety of living areas, they are not always the best choice for apartment living. They bark often and they tend to protect their personal space. If you live in an apartment, it is important to provide your dog with plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation (for example dog games and toys inside the apartment) to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. In addition, it is recommended that the dog have an area defined as his personal territory (dog bed or dog fence) where he can feel comfortable and protected.

Summary of the chow chow dog breed
Chow Chow is a unique and fascinating breed that has captured the hearts of dog lovers around the world. With their unique looks, independent nature and protective instincts, these dogs make loyal and loving companions for the right people. However, it is important to understand their specific needs and provide them with the care and attention they need to grow properly.
Whether you are a seasoned dog owner or planning to adopt a pet for the first time, owning a Chow Chow can be a challenging yet rewarding and fulfilling experience. If you take the time to learn about the breed and provide your dog with the proper care and training, you can enjoy a lifetime of love and companionship with your furry friend. And if you are considering buying a Chow Chow, remember that there are many rescue organizations that can help you find the perfect dog for your family.

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