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Do animals feel before a natural phenomenon is approaching?

01 Sep 2024

There is evidence that animals sense different levels of changes in the environment before earthquakes. Research suggests that some animals may exhibit unusual behaviors before the noise occurs. Here are some of the ways this happens:

1. Changes in magnetic signals
Some believe that animals can sense changes in the Earth's magnetic field. These changes may occur before an earthquake and can affect the animals' behavior.
2. Noise of ground movement
Noises that precede an earthquake may be usable by animals, such as dogs and cats, which can hear frequencies beyond the range of human hearing.

3. Changes in air pressure
Like hurricanes, changes in air pressure can also occur before an earthquake. Animals may sense these changes and react accordingly.
4. Behavioral responses
Many animals may exhibit unusual behavior in the lead-up to an earthquake, such as seeking shelter, retreating from open spaces, or acting more nervous or irritable.
5. Changes in the air and environment
There is evidence that animals can sense chemical changes in the air or water sources, which may occur before an earthquake.

6. Changes in air pressure
Many animals, including dogs and cats, are sensitive to changes in air pressure. Before it ends, there is a drop in air pressure, which is symbolized by animals that they are not always able to understand in a conscious sense but they experience physically.
7. Developed senses
Many animals have sharper senses than humans, such as hearing and smell. They may hear wind noises or raindrops moving away before they are observed by humans
Before an end, animals may change their behavior. For example, dogs may become more wandering or irritable, while birds may stop singing and start looking for shelter.

8. Seeking shelter
Many animals may seek protected shelters ahead of time, such as ditches or caves, when they sense that the weather is about to change.
9. Instinctive response
Animals' instincts allow them to respond quickly to changes in the environment. This can include searching for water or food, or hiding in cases of extreme weather.

While there is no conclusive research that explains the phenomenon, there is a wide consensus that the animals are sensitive to changes in the weather and can sense storms and natural phenomena before they occur.

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