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Guide dog everything you wanted to know

14 Aug 2024

Guide dogs are dogs specially trained to help people with visual impairments or blindness. They provide physical and emotional support, and help improve the quality of life of their owners. Here is broad information on the subject:

1. Roles and benefits:
Navigation: Guide dogs help their owners navigate in different places, including streets, crossings and public places.
Protection: They can alert you to obstacles such as stairs, cars or pedestrians.
Security: they give their owners a sense of security and independence, and reduce the feeling of loneliness.
2. Guide dog training:
Professional training: guide dogs go through long training, which can last between 6 and 12 months. The training includes learning commands, dealing with different situations, and getting to know the environment.
Establishing a bond with an owner: After training, the dog is placed with a new owner, and they work together to develop a strong and trusting bond.

3. Common breeds:
Labrador Retriever: A very common breed, known for its easy-going nature and intelligence.
Golden retriever: another breed that is characterized by a calm and pleasant nature.
German Shepherd: a strong and intelligent breed, which is able to face various challenges.
4. Access rules:
Guide dogs are allowed to enter public places such as restaurants, public transportation, and medical facilities, even if there are laws against the entry of animals.
5. Care and responsibility:
The owner of a guide dog should take care of the dog's needs: food, medical care, and continuous training. There is a lot of responsibility due to the need to maintain the dog's well-being.
6. Additional services:
In addition to guide dogs, there are other service dogs that help people with other disabilities, such as hearing dogs or medical dogs.

7. Social support:
Guide dogs can improve their owners' social connections by interacting with other people.
Guide dogs are essential partners for people with visual impairments, and they not only help physically but also contribute greatly to the emotional and social well-being of their owners.

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