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How can I give a dog or cat a pill to swallow that the vet brought me?

17 Aug 2024

Giving a medicine pill to a dog or cat can be a challenge, but there are some methods that can help you do it more easily. Here are some tips:

1. Hiding in food
A. Favorite soft food:
Cheese: Many animals love cheese, and if the ball is small, it can be put into a soft cheese ball or crushed into hard cheese.
Peanut butter: choose peanut butter without sugar or salt, and put the ball in it. It is often very popular with dogs.
Mashed potato: Mashed potatoes or carrot puree can be a great option to help hide the ball.
on. medicine pills:
There are products that are made specifically to hide bullets. They are usually in the form of food pellets with an internal cavity for taking the medicine.

2. The hand method
A. perception:
Holding the animal: if it is a small dog, you can hold it in your hands or on the table. If it's bigger, you may need someone else to hold it.
Cats: Cats can be more stubborn. You may want to place it in a carrier bag or hold it gently on your knee.
on. Opening the mouth:
Inserting the fingers: Hold your animal's nose with one hand, and use the fingers of the other hand to gently open the mouth, being careful not to injure it.
third. Inserting the ball:
Insert the ball into the back of the tongue, so that the animal cannot take it out easily.
d. Closing the mouth:
After inserting the pill, close your mouth and hold it closed for a few seconds. Stroke the throat to encourage swallowing.

3. Method with a syringe
A. Needleless syringe:
Preparing the medicine: If you have a liquid medicine, fill the syringe with the appropriate amount.
Inserting the medicine: Insert the syringe into the animal's mouth on the side, and not directly into the throat. This will reduce the risk of suffocation.
4. Positive attention
Rewards: After the animal has swallowed the medicine, it is very important to praise it and give it a snack or a game. This can help her associate the experience of receiving the drug with something positive.

5. Additional tips
A. patience:
It may take a few tries before the animal gets used to swallowing medication. If she shows resistance, wait a bit and try again.
on. Talk to the vet:
If your animal refuses to swallow the medicine in any way, you should talk to the vet. There may be other options, such as disintegrating tablets, liquid medications, or ointments.
third. caution:
Under no circumstances should you try to force the animal to swallow the medicine. This can cause her to develop fear or bad experiences that can make it difficult for you in the future.

Giving your pet a medicine pill is an important part of their care, and there are many ways to do it easily and effectively. It is important to be calm and confident, and remember that your animal can feel your stress.

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