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How do pets affect human mental health?

26 Aug 2024

Pets can positively affect the mental health of humans in several ways. Here are some of the main benefits:

1. Reducing stress and anxiety
A soothing presence: Contact with pets, such as petting a dog or cat, can reduce levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and increase levels of oxytocin, a hormone associated with love and bonding.
A sense of security: Pets can provide a sense of security and peace of mind, especially in situations of stress or anxiety.
2. Mood improvement
Joy and smiles: Pets bring joy and pleasure, and they can make people smile and feel better.
Improving Dopamine Levels: Connecting with a beloved animal releases dopamine, which can improve overall mood.

3. Company and emotional support
Companionship: Pets provide companionship to people, especially those who feel lonely. They can be a source of emotional support without judgment.
Listening: Pets, especially dogs, tend to be attentive and sense the mood of their owners, which gives a sense of understanding.
4. Encouraging physical activity
Regular exercise: Dogs need walks, which encourages their owners to be physically active. Exercise is known to improve mood and reduce depression and anxiety.
Active breaks: The vitality of pets encourages people to take breaks from computer screens and do physical activity.

5. A sense of responsibility
Caring Responsibility: Caring for pets provides a sense of responsibility, which can be especially helpful for people suffering from depression or a sense of purposelessness.
Purpose in life: Pets provide a sense of purpose, especially to seniors or those experiencing significant life changes.
6. Improving social connections
Social opportunities: Pets, especially dogs, can help expand the social circle. Meetings with other animals in the park or at events can lead to new social connections.
Conversation with others: Pets are a great topic of conversation, which can encourage social interaction.

7. Reducing the feeling of isolation
Life partner: Pets can reduce the feeling of isolation, especially for people living alone, by providing companionship and constant presence.
Pets offer a wide range of mental health benefits, and the relationship between them and humans can be significant and influential.

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