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How does a cat in the house cause natural extermination?

17 Aug 2024

Cats can be used as an important factor in natural pest control at home, thanks to their predatory nature and their ability to trap pests. Here are some ways cats contribute to natural pest control:

1. Pest hunting
Cats are natural predators, and they can capture and hunt pests such as:

Mice: Cats excel at catching mice, and using them may reduce their population in the home.
Moths and insects: Cats can also catch flying insects such as moths and mosquitoes.
2. Removal of pests
The presence of a cat in the house can deter pests such as mice and snails. When pests detect the presence of a predator, they tend to move away from the area.

3. Maintaining biological balance
Cats can help maintain a biological balance in the home ecosystem. When they hunt pests, they help reduce their population, which helps maintain a healthier environment.

4. Psychological impact
Sometimes, the presence of a cat can improve the sense of security of the tenants. When everyone knows there is a cat in the house, it can deter pests, even if there is no active cat around at the time.

5. Reducing the need for chemicals
Through the influence of the cats, it is possible to reduce the need to use chemical pesticides, which preserves the health of the residents and the cats themselves.

6. Use of natural
Cats can help prevent pest problems such as cockroaches or ants, reducing the need to use chemical products.

7. Predatory instincts
Cats are endowed with strong predatory instincts, which are expressed in hunting and jumping after pests. These instincts allow them to hunt and deal with a wide variety of insects and small pests.

8. Curious researchers
Cats are curious by nature and tend to explore their surroundings. As they explore areas of the home, they may uncover pests that are hiding. This allows them and the owner to be aware of pest problems before they become serious.

9. Predicting pest behavior
The presence of a cat may change the behavior of pests. For example, insects and mice may be less active when they detect a cat in the vicinity, making them less likely to approach food sources or hiding places in the home.

10. Reduction of hazards
Cats can reduce the risks associated with pests. For example, hunting mice can prevent damage to electrical equipment or damage to home infrastructure. In addition, cats can help prevent the spread of diseases that are transmitted by pests such as mice.

11. Reducing dependence on chemicals
Cats can reduce the need to use chemical pesticides, which reduces the risk of exposure to toxic substances for both the residents and the cats themselves.

12. Education and awareness raising
The cat can be used as an excellent example to emphasize the importance of maintaining a clean and orderly environment. Cat owners may be more aware of the need to keep the house clean and prevent the accumulation of pests.

13. Routine reaction
Cats will often respond to the presence of pests by hunting or screeching, which can alert the owner to an existing problem in the home. This allows a quick response to solve the problem.

14. Emotional benefit
Cat owners can experience a sense of comfort and security thanks to the cat's presence, which may reduce the stress associated with pest problems.

Cats are not only beloved pets, but also important partners in the fight against pests in the home. Through natural hunting, predicting pest behavior, and reducing the need for chemicals, they can improve the quality of life at home.

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