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How to bathe the dog.

25 Jul 2024

In this article we will talk a little about the matter of grooming your dog, when it is allowed to bathe/shower it and what it entails for you.
The matter of bathing the dog is very simple and easy for the most part, there are dogs that just jump into the bath with supreme happiness, but there are also some that really can't bear the thought of getting wet and are very afraid of it.

Let's talk for a moment about the dogs that are afraid, the way to approach a dog that is afraid of a shower is not to calm and caress and show him that there is no reason to worry, what is called giving him confidence that nothing bad is going to happen to him. It is important and desirable that the dog has a pleasant and good experience which can lead to a better connection with your dog. If the dog is in no way ready for the experience, there is an easy and effective solution, a dry or wet shampoo that is absorbed into the dog's fur and cleans the fur grease that is under the dog's fur.

The way to a proper shower is to prepare all the accompanying things such as:
Shampoo that is suitable for your dog, towel for drying, dog comb or hairbrush that is suitable for your dog, and sometimes also a face for quick drying of your dog's fur and fur grease.
It is recommended to make sure that the water is lukewarm and a little warm to avoid getting cold in winter times, in the summer I would recommend only lukewarm water which will cool your dog during the hot periods.
It is recommended to put a handful like we use on ourselves to rub until the foam arrives, wait a few minutes for the active ingredient in the shampoo to disinfect and clean, then rinse with water. If the dog is still not clean after one time, you can repeat the operation.

It is recommended to use shampoo for dogs and not shampoo for humans in order to prevent problems that can develop in your dog's skin. If you really insisted on bathing him with normal human shampoo, then use baby shampoo, because the active ingredient in baby shampoo is gentler and more suitable for dogs. In any case, we are against this opinion that bathes the dog with shampoo that is not adapted to its body structure.
From our experience, we understand that shampoo for dogs or cats is sold at a higher price than shampoo for humans, but if you understand that it is used once a month on average, you will understand that you are buying a long-term product and therefore its price is not that high.

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