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How to deal with abandonment anxiety in dogs?

21 Aug 2024

Abandonment anxiety is a common problem in dogs, and it can cause various behavioral problems. Here are some tips on how to deal with abandonment anxiety in dogs:

Tips for dealing with abandonment anxiety
Gradual departure:

Start leaving the dog for short periods of time and gradually increase the time. This can help him get used to the thought that you are not home.
Make leaving a positive experience:

Give the dog a treat or favorite toy before you leave. It can keep him busy while you're not at home.
Buy the dog a safe place:

Prepare for the dog a pleasant and familiar place (such as a cage or carpet) where he can feel safe during the departure.

Practice introducing routines:

Establish a routine before leaving and returning, so that the dog knows what to expect. This may involve walking, eating and then leaving.
Using music or TV:

Leave soft music or TV on. This can help prevent the dog from feeling alone.
Training in behavioral methods:

Consider making appointments with a professional trainer who can teach you techniques to deal with abandonment anxiety.
Use of supplements and products:

You may consider using natural supplements or anesthetic products (such as soothing blankets) to help the dog feel more relaxed.
physical activity:

Be sure to get enough exercise before leaving to help the dog expend energy.

Avoid dramatic departures and returns:

When you leave or return home, do it in a calm and non-dramatic way, so as not to highlight these events.
Contact a veterinarian or a professional:

If abandonment anxiety continues to be a problem, you may want to consult a veterinarian or animal psychologist about additional treatment options.
If you apply these tips gradually and lovingly, you can help your dog deal with abandonment anxiety and feel more comfortable when you're not around.

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