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My cat is pregnant, what should I do?

16 Aug 2024

of course! Here is more detailed information on caring for a pregnant cat, including different stages and additional tips.

1. A visit to a veterinarian
Medical examinations: It is important to take the cat for a medical examination for sure to make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The vet can perform an ultrasonography to confirm the pregnancy and check her general health.
Vaccinations: Check that the cat is up-to-date on its vaccinations. Important vaccinations can protect her and the puppies.
2. Proper nutrition
Special food: pregnant cats need a richer diet. It is recommended to feed them special food for pregnancy or high-quality food intended for puppies. It contains more protein, fats and vitamins.
Small and unrefined portions: you can feed the cat in smaller portions but more often, to make it easier for her to digest.

3. Comfortable living environment
Protected place: Prepare a quiet, dark and pleasant place where the cat can feel safe. It can be a soft box with blankets or a soft bed.
Protection of the place of birth: prepare the place in advance with everything needed for the birth, so that the cat can feel safe.
4. Monitoring behavior
Behavioral changes: notice if she behaves differently, such as avoiding feeding, looking for quiet places or is more attached to you.
Signs of stress: If the cat seems stressed or very tired, you should check with a veterinarian.
5. Preparation for birth
The signs of birth: many cats start looking for a private place to give birth, may be more hungry or alternatively not eat at all. If she starts licking her belly or is very active, this may be a sign of impending labor.
Birth itself: Cats usually know what to do, but it's good to be around to support them.If there are problems during the birth (such as prolonged labor or stuck puppies), the vet should be contacted immediately.
6. Care of puppies after birth
Support for the mother: after birth, make sure the cat gets enough water and food, as she needs strength to nurse the kittens.
Breastfeeding: Puppies need to be breastfed within hours after birth to get the first milk, which is very important for their health (primary milk).
Veterinarian examinations: It is recommended to take the puppies to a veterinarian for examination at the age of two to three weeks to make sure they are healthy.
7. Sterilization after birth
Prevention of future pregnancy: After the puppies are weaned (around 8-12 weeks of age), you should consider neutering your cat. Sterilization not only prevents future pregnancy but also helps prevent health problems.

8. Emotional support
Pay attention to her feelings: pregnant cats can be more sensitive. Give her love and support, and try not to disturb her too much, unless necessary.
9. Additional questions
Worrying symptoms: If your cat shows symptoms such as frequent vomiting, high fever or bleeding, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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