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rabies disease

13 Aug 2024

Rabies is a very dangerous viral disease that affects dogs and other animals, and can even be transmitted to humans. Here is important information about rabies:

1. What is rabies?
Rabies is a disease caused by a virus belonging to the Lyssavirus family. The virus is mainly transmitted through the bites of infected animals, mainly dogs, bats and other wild animals.
2. Symptoms of rabies
Onset of the disease: initial symptoms may include fever, weakness, headache and sore throat.
Advanced symptoms: As the disease progresses, symptoms include:
Symptoms of fear of water (spasm in the throat that makes it difficult to drink)
Aggressive or paranoid behavior
Loss of appetite
changes in behavior
Lack of coordination and abnormal movements
The end stage: the disease almost always ends in death.

3. How do you prevent rabies?
Vaccination: The rabies vaccine is mandatory in most countries. The dog must be vaccinated at a young age and be updated every few years according to the veterinarian's instructions.
Avoiding exposure to wild animals: Contact with animals that may be infected should be avoided.
Monitoring the dog's health: regular veterinary examinations must be performed to make sure the dog is healthy.
4. What to do in case of a bite
If the dog is bitten by an attack of a suspicious animal or if it is exposed to an infected animal, contact the veterinarian immediately.
If you are bitten, you should contact a doctor immediately and consult about preventive treatment.

5. Rabies laws
Many countries have strict laws regarding vaccinating dogs against rabies. Check local law to make sure your dog receives the required vaccinations.
6. What to do if rabies is suspected?
In case of suspicion of rabies, contact the veterinarian immediately. In serious cases you must report the case to the local health authority.
7. The vaccination process
The vaccine is given in two doses, the first at the age of 3 months and the second at the age of 1 year. After that, the vaccine is renewed every 1-3 years, according to the veterinarian's instructions.

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