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Sight of dogs, cats and other pets Let's shed some light on the subject

17 Aug 2024

1. Vision in dogs:
Vision: Dogs see differently than people. They see better in low light conditions, which allows them to be active even in the twilight hours.
Colors: Dogs see mainly in blue and yellow colors. They cannot see colors like red and green, so their world appears less colorful.
Sense of movement: dogs are equipped with sensors that allow them to pick up movement very well, which helps them in hunting and interacting with the environment.

2. Vision in cats:
Vision: Cats have excellent vision in low light conditions. They have a large number of photoreceptor cells in the eye, which gives them the ability to see in high detail even in the dark.
Colors: Cats see mostly in shades of blue and green, but they are also less sensitive to colors like red and orange.
The ability to perceive movement: cats are very sensitive to movement, which helps them as predators. They can pick up quick and small movements.

3. Vision in other pets:
Mice and Hamsters: Small animals like mice and hamsters see well in low light. Their eyes are adapted to perceive fast movement, but they are not sensitive to colors.
Birds: Birds see colors very differently than humans, and can detect colors such as UV, which allows them to find insects and identify potential mates.
4. Differences between animals:
The vision of pets varies according to their type and evolutionary needs. Carnivores such as cats see better in dark conditions, while animals such as herbivores generally have better daytime vision.

The vision of dogs and cats is very different from human vision. They fit their lifestyle and needs, and are equipped with abilities that allow them to function well in nature. Understanding their vision can help us better understand their behavior and how to function with them.

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