Signs that your dog is dehydrated
Summer is coming and with it come the days especially. Just as we suffer from the high temperatures, so do our dogs, who may as a result become dehydrated and suffer irreversible damage. Therefore, there is great significance in identifying the first symptoms and providing first aid. Everything you want to know about dog dehydration in the next article ahead of you, so keep reading
What is dehydration?
Dehydration is defined as a state of increased loss of fluids accompanied by the loss of minerals that help a lot in the functioning of the cells that maintain the balance and proper functioning of the body while balancing acidity. A dog that reaches a state of dehydration may seriously damage vital systems in the body and failure to diagnose and complacency may lead to a rapid deterioration - therefore your conduct has a decisive effect on its health condition.
4 early signs of dehydration in dogs
The dog is nervous - if you see a sudden change in your dog's normal behavior for no apparent reason, it is important to notice that he has drunk enough water. A tense dog under stress can happen as a result of losing fluids in the body.
Non-stop lip licking - can indicate nausea as well as dehydration.
Heavy breathing - if your dog is panting and panting heavily this is an early sign of dehydration and he should be allowed to drink and relax in a shady and cool place.
Dry nose/gums/mouth - touch the nose and the gum area - if you feel that the area is dry and not wet, it's time to make sure they drink enough.
The later and more dangerous stages
The dog has diarrhea - diarrhea that doesn't stop and gets worse can be a warning light that something is wrong.
Vomiting - Vomiting is a late sign that can cause fluid loss and a life-threatening condition.
Concentrated urine - similar to humans - if your dog's urine looks more yellow than usual it indicates dehydration.
Apathy and lack of appetite - apathetic thinking on the part of the dog (without joy and energy) that comes along with lack of appetite is the latest stage with which there should be no doubts and the dog should be taken to the vet immediately!
If your dog suffers from one or more of these symptoms, first of all let him drink water and make sure he does drink it. If the symptoms do not go away and worsen over time, you should immediately take him to your attending veterinarian or to the emergency room.
Of course, it's best to avoid the situation and just make sure your dog always has fresh water in his bowl and make sure he's drinking enough water. But if it happens otherwise, one must be alert to any change in behavior in order to act correctly and in time.