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Simulated pregnancy in dogs

17 Aug 2024

1. What is a simulated pregnancy?
Simulated pregnancy (or psychological pregnancy) is a condition in which a dog develops signs of pregnancy even though she is not actually pregnant. The phenomenon is usually caused by changes in the dog's hormone levels, especially after she has gone through her neoestrous cycle (reproductive cycle).

2. Signs of a simulated pregnancy:
Physical changes: nipple enlargement, discharge from the nipples, weight gain, and choosing a "comfortable" place for nesting.
Behavioral changes: the dog may become more maternal, carry toys like puppies, and look for hiding places.
Appetite: change in appetite, sometimes an increase or decrease.

3. Causes of the appearance of a simulated pregnancy:
Hormonal changes: After the neoestrous cycle, hormone levels such as progesterone may remain higher, leading to symptoms of pregnancy.
Breed: This phenomenon is more common in certain breeds, such as Cocker Spaniel, Bulldog, and Doberman.
4. The effect on the dog:
While simulated pregnancy is a natural and generally harmless condition, it can cause a dog to feel anxious or stressed. In some cases, the phenomenon may affect the dog's mental health.

5. Treatment:
Emotional support: it is important to give the dog respect and attention.
Training: You should consider stopping her mating habits if there is no intention of breeding.
Veterinary advice: if the signs appear frequently or if there is concern about a health condition, you should contact a veterinarian.
6. Simulated birth control:
You can consider neutering (or neutering) the dog, which can help avoid a false pregnancy, if it's not planned.
False pregnancy is a common phenomenon in dogs, but it is usually not dangerous. However, it is important to be aware of her signs and not neglect the emotional and physical needs of the dog in this situation. If there are signs of abnormalities or concerns, you should consult a veterinarian.

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