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Sterilization of cats and dogs

11 Aug 2024

Sterilization is a common medical procedure designed to prevent pregnancy in animals, especially cats and dogs. Here are some important details about the process, benefits and risks:

What is sterilization?
Spaying for cats and females is a procedure in which the ovaries and uterus are removed, and in males it is a procedure in which the testicles are removed.
The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.
The benefits of sterilization
Prevention of unwanted pregnancy: Sterilization reduces the risk of the formation of unwanted puppies and reproduction.
Sterilization of females reduces the risk of diseases such as pyometra and cancers.
Male sterilization reduces the risk of testicular cancer and prostate problems.
Behavior: Neutering can reduce unwanted behaviors such as territory marking, running away, and fights with other animals.
Longevity: Studies show that sterilized animals tend to live longer.

The sterilization process
The procedure includes several steps:
Medical evaluation: A veterinarian will check the general health of the animal.
Anesthesia: the animal is anesthetized in order to perform the procedure safely.
The surgical procedure: The procedure itself usually lasts between 30 and 90 minutes.
Recovery: The animal will need rest after the procedure, and pain relief procedures may be provided.
As with any medical procedure, there are risks, although they are rare:
Reactions to anesthesia.
Inflammation or complications after the procedure.
Side effects such as weight gain in some cases (since the animal may be less active).

Tips for recovery
It is important to follow the veterinarian's instructions after the procedure.
Maintain a quiet and orderly place for the animal to recover.
Avoid strenuous physical activity until the doctor approves it.
check the seams and make sure there are no signs of inflammation.
When to perform the sterilization?
It is recommended to perform sterilization at a young age, usually around the age of 6 months, but it is also possible in associations or clinics after this age.
Sterilization is an important procedure that not only helps the health of the animals themselves but also helps reduce the number of abandoned animals on the streets.

The sterilization process
Preparation before surgery: Before surgery, the veterinarian will perform blood tests and ask to stay away from food and water for several hours to prepare the animal for anesthesia.
The surgical procedure:
Females: The surgery includes a cut in the abdomen and the removal of the ovaries and uterus.
Males: The operation includes cutting the scrotum and removing the testicles.
During the procedure: the animal undergoes strict monitoring, including heart rate and blood pressure tests.
Additional benefits of sterilization
Cancers: Spaying of females reduces the risk of cancers, especially breast cancer (hormonal malignancy) when done before the first.
Emotional behavior: Spaying often reduces anxiety levels in animals, which can improve their quality of life.Improved quality of life: Spayed animals tend to be less at risk of injuries caused by mate-seeking behavior, such as running into roads or collisions with other animals.
Effects on behavior
Territory marking: Unneutered males tend to mark their territory with urine. Spaying reduces or eliminates this behavior.
Fighting: Neutering can reduce aggression between males, which can make their social life easier.
Searching for mates: Sterilization reduces the need to look for mates, which prevents dangerous situations such as running away or dealing with other animals.
Sterilization and reproduction
Reducing the population of abandoned animals: Sterilization is a key tool in the fight against the unwanted reproduction of cats and dogs, thereby reducing the number of abandoned animals on the streets and in shelters.

Public education: many associations and clinics offer education programs about the benefits of sterilization, and this contributes to an increase in public awareness.
Tips after sterilization
Medical follow-up: It is recommended to contact the veterinarian if there are signs of inflammation, pain or fever.
Use of suture protectors: sometimes it is necessary to use a suture protector to prevent the animal from chewing the sutures.
Nutrition and exercise: It is important to continue to provide a balanced diet and make sure that the cat or dog receives appropriate exercise, even after sterilization.

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