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Trimming pet nails

12 Aug 2024

Trimming pets' nails is an important activity that helps maintain their health and comfort. Here is a detailed guide to trimming nails correctly and safely:

Preparation before clipping
Choose the right time: trim the nails when the pet is calm. Hours after playing or walking may be good.

Safety measures: Use appropriate tools, such as nail clippers or clippers designed for pets. Make sure the tools are clean and sharp.

And mental preparation: put the pet in a calm atmosphere. You can pet her or offer her a favorite snack to reduce her stress.

during the shearing
Position: Place the pet on a table or flat surface, in a comfortable position for you and her.

Identification of the shearing area:

Animals with light nails: the vein can be seen (the point of the "pink dot") and the part above it needs to be trimmed.
Animals with dark nails: in this case, trim carefully, trim slowly from the edge until you see the vein.

Gently trim the tip of the nail, but do not touch the areas with the vein (pink part).
If there is concern, it is better to trim a little in the first part and see how the pet reacts.

Keep calm: If the pet starts to feel uncomfortable, stop, pet it, and maybe give it a snack.

Routine trims: try to trim the nails every two weeks to a month, to avoid long trims at a later stage.

after trimming
Give a snack: positive reinforcement is important! Give the pet a snack or pet after grooming to reinforce the behavior.

Check the condition of the nails: Be sure to check the nails after trimming to make sure you haven't trimmed too much.

Cleaning dishes: clean the dishes after use to maintain hygiene.

Additional tips
If you are not sure or afraid to trim yourself, there is no problem to contact a professional such as a veterinarian or groomer.
If bleeding is accidentally caused, use a powder to stop bleeding or by holding the nail with a firmer grip to stop the bleeding.
Clipping nails is an operation that requires patience and sensitivity. By following these steps, you can make the process more pleasant and safer for your pet!

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