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Veterinarian tips for caring for your pet!!!

06 Aug 2024

As far as our pets are concerned we consider them an integral part of our family, but there are many false legends. which veterinarians recommend. This way you can learn a lot about your pet and keep them healthy for a long time

1. It is recommended to always do routine tests, just as they do with humans
Just like humans, pets can also get heart problems, arthritis, toothaches, pelvic prolapse and more. The best way to prevent health problems is early diagnosis through routine and regular examinations at the veterinarian, so most diseases can be prevented even if they are hereditary
The tests include: tips and advice for proper nutrition according to the type of pet, regular dental treatments, giving recommended vaccinations especially for dogs and cats, checking for parasites and more.

2. Castration of your pet
Castration is a relatively simple process, but very complex morally. Not everyone wants to castrate their animal. On the other hand, dogs and cats often find themselves in pens and some of them are killed by the authorities as part of their war on public health, therefore at your discretion if you have decided not to, it is advisable to have follow-up examinations with the veterinarian.

3. Prevention of fleas and ticks
Fleas are the most common parasites that can bother pets and can lead to constant skin irritations. Additional side effects of fleas and parasites: hair loss, skin infection, baldness and more. When the dog or cat ingests one flea it may lead to intestinal cramps.
Periodic preventive treatment will significantly minimize the damage and even reduce the development of bacteria.

4. Maintaining a healthy and stable weight in the pet
Many dogs and cats are obese or underweight. Being overweight or underweight may lead to many critical health risks for the animal's continued normal activity: diabetes, arthritis and various types of cancer are just some of the symptoms caused by underweight/obesity.

5. Giving regular vaccinations every year to the pet
As with humans, pets also need regular vaccinations to prevent common diseases, such as: rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, canine jaundice, worming and more. The frequency of vaccinations depends on the age of the pet, its lifestyle (if it is in the city or the countryside), its general health and genetic risks (mainly for purebred animals). We recommend discussing this with your veterinarian so that you can adjust the vaccines specifically for your animal.

6. Provide an enriching play and sports environment for your pet
Like humans, animals also need an enriching environment. Our pets need motor, mental and playful stimulation, for example: long walks outside the house, running in brown areas, playing with different toys, developing the dog's discipline and more. These things maintain the muscles and motor activity of your pet. This way you will significantly strengthen the relationship with them and thus they will become your best friends.

7. Implantation of an ID chip for your pet
If your pet does not have an ID chip, it is likely that if he gets lost it will be very difficult for him to find his way home. Instead they may find themselves in the nearest corral. The chip can prevent this and you can find your dog even if he has moved significantly away from home.
A very tiny chip the size of a tiny grain of rice is inserted by injection under the skin and the animal feels no pain at all. The chip does not need a battery at all and can be scanned by veterinarians and municipal employees and local authorities.

8. Regular dental care for your pet
Like humans, your pet may also suffer from tooth decay, gingivitis and cavities. Brushing your pet's teeth regularly is the key to keeping your pet's teeth clean. As with humans, dental treatments are not cheap for animals and the treatment is not relaxing, so it is important to take regular actions to maintain your animal's oral hygiene.

9. Medicines that are suitable for humans should not be given to animals
Sometimes medicines intended for humans may cause serious diseases in animals. If there is a suspicion that the pet has swallowed a medicine intended for humans, you should immediately call your veterinarian and with the help of gastric lavage he can prevent a disaster.

10. How will you travel by car with your animal?
Pets that are not belted in the vehicle may be a distraction and various and surprising disturbances for the driver. We recommend purchasing a special seat for the animal that wears itself in any vehicle. In addition, do not let your pet be in the front seat of the vehicle - in the event of an accident this could be very dangerous for both you and him.
In case you have a cat - keep it in a closed carrier - cats are more surprising than dogs and it is important that they not be free in the car.

If you have a dog - there are special harnesses that lock onto the seat belt. You can also purchase a secure kennel like a cat's, just for a dog.
We at PAPSI do our best to keep your pet healthy. We hope that in this article we have helped you get ideas and inspiration on how to take good care of your animals

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