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What kind of toys are best for cats?

11 Aug 2024

Some types of toys that are especially suitable for cats:

1. String toys (harmful)
Toys with strings or chains are very popular with cats, as they can chase the toy and play with it. It is important to keep an eye open to avoid eating threads.
2. Toys with bells
Toys that contain bells or bell noises can make cats more involved. The sounds attract their attention and encourage play.
3. Interactive toys
Toys that move themselves or require the cat to manipulate them (such as toys with sensors) can provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom.
4. Small animal toys
Toys in the shape of mice, birds or other animals can promote cats' natural instincts to hunt and play.

5. Ball toys
Small balls, especially those made from light materials, are excellent for cats. They can scroll, jump and play in them.
6. Toys with fragrances
Toys that contain catnip or other scents can encourage cats to play and be more interested in them.
7. Boxes and environmental accessories
You don't always have to buy expensive toys. Cats love to play in empty boxes, paper bags or even old cloths.
8. Puzzles and foraging toys
Toys that allow the cat to search for food or a treat can provide mental stimulation and encourage physical activity.

9. Laser toys
A laser that shines a spot for the cat to chase can cause a lot of pleasure, but it is important not to aim the laser directly at the eyes.
10. Vibrating lizards or puppies
Toys that move themselves or vibrate when a cat touches them add an element of surprise and enjoyment.
When choosing toys, it is important to pay attention to the age and needs of your cat, because every cat is unique!

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