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What to do in case of unwanted behavior in the pet?

09 Aug 2024

1. Identifying the cause
Examining the causes: It is important to try to understand what caused the unwanted behavior. Is there a change in the environment? The pet may be bored or stressed.
Medical symptoms: If the behavior does not seem normal, you should check if there are any medical problems in the animal, and take it to the vet if necessary.
2. Re-education
Positive methods: Use positive educational methods. Instead of punishing the animal, reinforce positive behaviors with snacks or games.
Relearning commands: Repeat basic commands and use positive methods to help the pet understand what is expected of it.
3. Appropriate environment
Creating a comfortable environment: Make sure the pet's environment is comfortable and safe. Animals sometimes misbehave when they feel uncomfortable.
Provide stimuli: Be sure to provide different stimuli to prevent boredom, such as new toys.

4. Attention
Quality time: Spend quality time with your pet. Many animals behave undesirably when they feel neglected.
Calming talks: Talk to the animal in a calm voice, this can help improve its mood.
5. Determining boundaries
Clarification of rules: It is important to be consistent about the rules. If there is a behavior that you do not agree with, it is important to make this clear to the pet every time it behaves this way.
Prohibited/must: Use letters like "prohibited" or "no" clearly when the animal is behaving in an undesirable manner.
6. Education with a professional
Contacting a professional trainer: If the behavior does not improve, consider contacting a professional trainer or a veterinarian for a consultation. They can provide more appropriate guidance.

7. Patience and perseverance
Take your time: It is important to understand that the re-education process may take time. Be patient and consistent, and don't expect immediate changes.
Reinforce successes: Reinforce positive behaviors at every opportunity, even if it seems small.
If you follow these tips, you will likely be able to improve the unwanted behavior in your pet.
8. Adapting to changes
Coordination of expectations: if something significant has changed in the environment (such as moving house, the arrival of a new baby or a change in routine), give the pet time to get used to it. Be prepared for changes in behavior.
Establishing a new routine: after changes, it is important to quickly restore the routine to help the pet feel comfortable and secure.
9. Use of educational aids
Interactive toys: You can use toys that challenge the pet and provide mental stimulation, such as puzzles or toys that hide food inside.Therapeutic measures: There are products on the market that may help reduce anxiety, such as strips with calming substances or cones to use during the visit to the vet.
10. Focus on hygiene and health
Medical examinations: Be sure to have routine examinations at the veterinarian. Health problems can affect behavior.
Proper eating: make sure the animal receives a balanced and sufficient diet. Often inappropriate nutrition can affect mood and behavior.
11. Determining a social framework
Meetings with other animals: Scheduling meetings with other animals can help the pet develop social skills and improve behavior.
Playgroups: Joining playgroups or activities with other animals can be a positive social stimulus.

12. Use of relaxation techniques
Practicing relaxation techniques: There are techniques such as deep breathing or using soothing music that may help calm the animal.
Massages: A gentle massage can help calm pets and improve your bond.
13. Open dialogue with the family
Internal communication: Make sure all family members understand the rules and the educational process to avoid confusion with the pet.
Mutual support: pet education is a process that requires cooperation from all members of the household.
14. Registration of conduct
15.Monitoring the changes: a behavior diary must be kept to monitor the changes and the animal's progress. This may help identify patterns and understand when the behavior is getting better or worse.
Reinforcements: recording progress will help to know when to make the punishment worse when there is repetition of the unwanted behavior.

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