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Which vaccines are most important for dogs?

14 Aug 2024

Vaccinations are an important part of keeping dogs healthy. Here is a list of the most important vaccinations for dogs:

1. Rabies vaccination:
A very dangerous disease that can be transmitted from contaminated agents. This vaccination is mandatory in most countries.
2. Vaccination against Parvovirus:
A very serious viral disease that can cause severe diarrhea and fluid loss, especially in puppies.
3. Vaccination against rabies (Canine Distemper):
A dangerous viral disease that affects the dog's immune system and nervous system.

4. Adenovirus - Infectious Canine Hepatitis vaccine:
A disease caused by a virus that affects the liver, eyes, and kidneys.
5. Vaccination against Bordetella bronchiseptica:
This vaccine is used to prevent Kennel Cough, a common disease in dogs, especially when they are in an environment with many other dogs.
6. Vaccination against Leptospirosis:
A disease caused by bacteria, which can damage the liver and kidneys. The vaccine is recommended mainly in areas where the disease is common.
7. Vaccination against Lyme Disease:
A disease caused by ticks, the vaccine is recommended for dogs exposed to an environment with ticks.

Vaccination plan:
Puppies usually receive a series of vaccinations during their first year of life, and then booster vaccinations every year or two according to the veterinarian's recommendations.

In the puppy stage (age 6-16 weeks):
Parvovirus and Distemper vaccine:

It is usually carried out in combination with another vaccine (DHPP).
The first takes place at the age of 6-8 weeks, and then every 3-4 weeks until the age of 16 weeks.
Vaccination against rabies:

It is usually performed at the age of 12-16 weeks, according to the laws of the region.
Vaccination against Bordetella (Kennel Cough):

You can start at the age of 8-16 weeks, depending on the veterinarian's recommendation.
Vaccination against Leptospirosis:

Can be given at 12-16 weeks of age, depending on risk and environment.

At the matriculation stage (age 1 year and older):
Rabies vaccine:

A preventive vaccine will be given every 1-3 years, depending on local laws and the type of vaccine.
Distemper, Parvovirus and Leptospirosis vaccine:

Preventive vaccines will be given every 1-3 years, depending on the veterinarian's recommendation and the type of vaccine.
Vaccination against Bordetella (Kennel Cough):

It is recommended to repeat the vaccination every year or every two years, depending on the risk.
Vaccine against Lyme Disease:

The vaccine is given after 12 weeks of age, and then every year.

It is important to speak with a veterinarian to determine the exact vaccination schedule for your dog, especially if there are other factors such as disease risk or exposure to a certain environment. Keeping vaccinations up to date is an important part of keeping your dog healthy.

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