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Why are cats awake at night and asleep during the day?

15 Aug 2024

Cats are nocturnal creatures, that is, they are more active at night. The reasons for this include:

1. Ancient nature:
The ancestors of cats were carnivores that hunted at night. Activity at night allows them to be less exposed to enemies and hunt more effectively.
2. Sense of sight and ability to hear:
Cats have developed an excellent sense of vision in low light conditions, which allows them to see better at night. In addition, they have very sharp hearing, which helps them detect small sounds of prey.
3. Hunting and prey:
At night there are small animals such as mice and snails, which are natural prey for cats. Therefore, they are more active during the night hours to catch their food.

4. Social behavior:
Cats are individuals, but they can also be social. Activity at night allows them to communicate and play with other cats, if they have any around.
5. Daily routine:
Cats tend to develop a daily routine of being awake and sleeping. They may sleep for most of the day and wake up for activity at night, allowing them to rest and prepare for activity.
6. Sleepiness:
Cats sleep about 12-16 hours a day, and sometimes even more. They tend to be more alert in the early morning and late evening, but their main activity time is at night.

What can be done?
If your cat is active at night and is causing you sleep disturbances, there are several ways to deal with it:

Play in the day: Take time to play with the cat during the day to release its energy.
Mental stimulation: Provide toys that can engage him even when you are not at home.
Night routine: Try to establish a routine where you get ready for bed at a certain time, let the cat know it's time to relax.
This way you can help your cat adapt to your routine, without harming his natural habits.

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