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Why do cats always fight?

15 Aug 2024

Cats often fart, and this can be caused by a number of reasons:

1. Territorial nature:
Cats are territorial creatures by nature. When they feel that others are encroaching on their territory, they may start fighting to defend their territory.
2. Competition for resources:
Cats may fight over resources such as food, water, or a place to sleep. If there are more cats than there are resources, this can lead to conflicts.
3. Communication:
Cats use different signs to communicate with each other. Sometimes, what appears to be a fight can simply be a game or a way of expressing themselves.

4. Social hierarchy:
Cats, especially when they live in groups, may establish a social hierarchy. Fights can arise from the need to determine who is dominant in the group.
5. Previous experiences:
Cats that have come from negative places or have had traumatic experiences may be more prone to fighting, as they may feel less safe.
6. Protection of puppies:
If it is a cat that has kittens, she may be very protective and fight with other cats to protect them.
7. Boredom:
Cats may also fight out of boredom. If they don't get enough mental or physical stimulation, they may start to behave in an unwanted way.

What to do in such cases?
Provide a safe place: Make sure each cat has its own place where it can feel safe.
Sufficient resources: Make sure there is enough food, water and places to sleep to avoid competition.
Play and stimulation: Spend time playing with the cats to provide them with positive stimulation.
Consult a veterinarian: If the problem persists, you should talk to a veterinarian or a cat behaviorist.
Cats can be complex creatures, and understanding the causes of conflicts may help reduce conflict and improve their lives.

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