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Why do dogs eat poop?

19 Aug 2024

Eating poop, or in professional language "coprophagia", is a behavior that can be seen in dogs and sometimes also in cats. There are several possible explanations for this behavior:

1. Imitation of behavior:
Young dogs may imitate the behavior of other dogs or their mother. If they see their mother eating poop, they might try too.

2. Curiosity:
Dogs are very curious animals, and sometimes they try to test new or unfamiliar things by sniffing and eating.

3. Nutritional deficiencies:
Dogs that eat poop may have nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamins or minerals. Eating poop can be an attempt to make up for these deficiencies.

4. Medical problems:
Various health problems can cause this behavior. For example, dogs with indigestion or digestive problems may try to eat poop to improve symptoms.

5. Stress or boredom:
Dogs may develop strange behaviors when they feel stressed or bored. Eating poop can be a way to relieve stress or pass the time.

6. Sense of smell:
Dogs produce different smells from their poo, and sometimes they feel it's something they need to check or investigate.

7. Feeling of competition:
Especially in young dogs, they may compete for the owner's attention. If they see that the owner is responding to such behavior, they may repeat it to get attention.

Treatment methods:
If your dog eats poop, there are a few things you can do:

Cleanup: Be sure to clean up poop quickly to reduce the risk of the dog eating it.
Nutrition: Make sure the dog receives a balanced and complete diet. Consult a veterinarian if there is concern about nutritional deficiencies.
Training: There are exercises and training that can be done to prevent the dog from eating poop.
Medical examination: If the problem persists, you should contact the veterinarian to rule out medical problems.
Eating poop is an unwanted behavior, but it is common and must be dealt with correctly.

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