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Why do people love animals more than people?

13 Aug 2024

People's love for pets, often above love for humans, stems from a number of psychological, emotional and social factors. Here are some of the reasons for this:

1. Unconditional love
Pets offer unconditional love. They don't judge and don't expect things from us, which can give a pure and brave feeling of love.
2. A strong emotional bond
The bond with pets is often deep and full of emotion. People feel that the animals understand them, which strengthens their bond.
3. Reducing stress and anxiety
Pets can help reduce stress and anxiety. Their presence provides a sense of calm and comfort, something that cannot always be found in relationships with humans.

4. Less dramas
Pets are not involved in social dramas or conflicts like humans. They offer a simple and uncomplicated company.
5. Learning about empathy
Caring for pets can develop in people feelings of empathy and sensitivity to the feelings of others. This can lead to a greater love for living.
6. Love towards nature
Many people feel a deep connection to nature and wild life, and pets are a bridge to that connection.
7. Warranty and care
Caring for a pet can provide a sense of meaning and a sense of responsibility, which strengthens the bond with the animal.

8. Calming presence
Pets serve as comfort sources. The physical contact with animals (like petting a dog or cat) can lower stress levels and increase happiness levels.
9. Shared experiences
Pets enable shared and special experiences, such as trips, games and moments of pleasure, something that does not always happen in relationships with humans.
10. A sense of belonging
Pets can provide a sense of belonging and community, and reinforce the feeling that we are part of something bigger.
In conclusion, the bond between humans and pets can be strong and special, sometimes even more so than bonds with humans. This is due to a variety of psychological and emotional factors, which lead to deep love and mutual support.

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