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Why does a cat make a purring noise?

19 Aug 2024

1. Physical reasons for gurgling:
Pain reduction: Studies have shown that gargling may affect wound healing and includes frequencies that can help reduce pain. This may be due to the low frequencies of the gurgling, which can encourage tissue healing.
Improved heart health: There are studies that suggest that cats that purr regularly may improve their heart health, suggesting that purring can function as a tool to promote overall health.
2. Mental health:
Reducing stress: the presence of a cat and its purring can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. The feeling of pets, along with purring, can be a source of emotional support.
Social gatherings: Cats that purr when they approach humans can improve the sense of community and social bonds, as cats know how to attract attention with their purr.

3. Gargling and communication:
A sign of communication with humans: Cats often understand that their purring can encourage positive reactions from humans (such as petting or attention), so they use it as a means of communication.
A variety of sounds: cats can purr in different ways, such as a soft purr versus a loud purr, and thus express different emotions, from passion to calmness.
4. When do cats purr?
While playing: Cats may purr when they have moments of happiness during games, which indicates a good mood.
When resting: Cats tend to purr even when sleeping or resting, to express their sense of comfort and safety.
When sick: If a cat is feeling unwell, it may purr to soothe itself, even if it is dealing with pain or discomfort.

5. Contact with humans:
Emotional connection: When a cat purrs and comes close to you, it can indicate that it sees you as a close and reliable friend. This is a sign that the cat feels affection for you.
Sharing space: Cats tend to purr when they are in a comfortable and familiar environment, which indicates that the space they are in is safe for them.
6. Effect on humans:
Feeling calm: When your cat purrs next to you, it can help you feel more relaxed. Some people report a sense of peace and peace of mind when they are with purring cats.
Strengthening bonds: Bonding with a cat can strengthen the social and emotional bonds of humans, especially for people who feel lonely or are looking for emotional support.
In conclusion, cat purring is a fascinating phenomenon that expresses a variety of emotions and needs of the cat, and thus also affects the humans around them.

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