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Why does my dog get scared when he hears thunder?

16 Aug 2024

Fear of thunder dogs is a common phenomenon, and there are several reasons for this:

1. Loud and unexpected noise
Loudness: Thunder can be very loud and scary, especially for dogs with sharp hearing. The sudden noise can cause a fear response.
2. Previous experiences
Bad memories: If your dog has ever had an unpleasant experience during thunder, he can associate the noises with that experience and feel fear every time he hears thunder.

3. Feeling insecure
Lack of control: Thunder is an unexpected phenomenon and the dog can feel a lack of control over its environment, which can lead to anxiety.
4. Sensitive senses
Sharp hearing: Dogs hear higher frequencies than people, so they may experience the thunder more intensely.
5. Changes in the environment
Change in mood: During storms, changes in the atmosphere (such as strong winds or a change in temperature) can also affect how the dog feels.

What to do to help the dog?
Safe environment:

Allow the dog a pleasant and safe place in the house, such as a bed or a quiet corner. Give him a place to feel protected.

During thunderstorms, give the dog favorite toys or other activity to distract him from the noises.
Positive reinforcement:

When the dog behaves calmly during thunderstorms, give him treats or positive attention.
Gradual exposure:

If possible, play dogs to thunder noise in a controlled way (like tapes) and give him positive experiences at the same time.

Anti-anxiety products:

There are products on the market such as anxiety reducing collars or compression blankets that can help calm the dog.
Professional advice:

If the fear persists or worsens, you should contact a dog behaviorist or veterinarian for further advice.
It is important to be patient and understand that every dog ​​reacts differently. Finding the right method for your dog may take time and experimentation.

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