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Why does the dog eat grass?

13 Aug 2024

Dogs eating grass is a relatively common phenomenon, and there are several possible reasons for this:

1. Natural instinct
Dogs are carnivores, but they also have plant sources of nutrition. Eating grass may be part of their natural behavior.
2. Digestion
Sometimes dogs eat grass to improve the digestion process. The grass may help them feel relief when they have digestive problems, such as bloating or stomach pain.
3. Nutritional deficiencies
Some believe that dogs may eat grass to make up for deficiencies in nutrients in their diet, such as dietary fiber.

4. Boredom or stress
Dogs may eat grass out of boredom or during periods of stress. It can be a way to release energy or occupy themselves.
5. Tasting
Some dogs just like the taste or texture of grass, and if they find soft, fresh grass, they may want to try it.
6. Vomiting
Some dogs eat grass to vomit. They may feel unwell, and the weed can make them vomit what is not right for them.
7. Copying
Dogs sometimes copy the behaviors of other dogs or other animals around them. If another dog eats grass, they may try too.

what to do
If your dog eats grass regularly, you should pay attention to his behavior:

If he vomits afterwards or if he has constant digestive problems, contact the vet.
Make sure your dog gets a quality and varied food that covers all his nutritional needs.
If it is eating out of boredom, you should provide him with more physical activity and toys.

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