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Why doesn't the cat eat?

17 Jul 2024

Is your cat not eating? Many cat breeders testify that cats tend to be very picky with food and get to the point where they don't even agree to taste food from cans, or dry food. Many cats refuse to eat the food that is put in their bowl and cat owners experience great frustration and worry. So what are the reasons why your cat refuses to eat or is picky? We have compiled a few main reasons for you.
Possible causes of hyper-pickiness/lack of appetite in cats

Mental stress - if your cat has a certain reason to be stressed (such as the presence of another cat in the house, a dog and even children) this may be the cause of the problem. When cats do not feel safe they may avoid approaching the area where the food is placed. The environment where the cat eats should be pleasant and safe for him, without disturbance, noise. If you have another dog or cat at home, it is recommended to make sure that there are several food plates in different places or if it is a dog, you can place his plate in a high place.

Food close to the litter box - it is known that cats are one of the cleanest animals out there - notice where their litter box is located? If he is close to his food bowl, this may be the reason why he does not touch the food. Just as we wouldn't want to eat our meal in or near the bathroom - neither would your cat. Move the food plate away to a clean and pleasant place and away from the box of necessities.

Poor health - a change in the cat's appetite may be the result of a health problem - therefore, first of all, it is better to go to the vet for an examination, he may be suffering from a dental problem such as a broken tooth, gingivitis that may cause the cat to suffer pain. Many cat breeders tell how easy it is to miss medical problems in cats because they are great at hiding your suffering and pain - therefore, be alert to changes in their eating habits and go to the clinic to make sure that the change in appetite is not the result of a medical problem.

New food - did you know that changing food for your cat should always be done gradually? A sudden change in the type of food may cause the cat to shy away and fear - that's why if you intend to change the diet it is important to do it gradually over a period of time - each time add a little of the new food to the previous food so that the cat can become friends with the new food and also get its digestive system used to it.
The food is too cold - cats do not like to eat food that is too cold because it is less tempting (there is not much smell). Note that if you feed him from a can that was in the refrigerator or feed him with natural food that you let the food reach a reasonable temperature.

The type of food - it is possible that your cat is not eating because of the nutritional composition of the food you give it. It is important to adjust the type of food according to the type, age and medical history of your cat in order to give it all the essential ingredients for its health.

The food is too available - if you leave the food bowl always available for your cat, he can get bored as a result of the lack of "hunting" challenge. The recommendation is to give the cat food and after he has finished take the bowl away. Divide his meals according to the instructions on the packaging of the food you have chosen - this can benefit your cat's health and prevent obesity in the future.

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