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Can dogs and cats infect humans with diseases?

28 Aug 2024

Yes, dogs and cats can transmit diseases to humans, but the infection is not as common as with other diseases. Some of the diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans are called "zoonoses". Below is a list of some of these diseases:

Diseases carried by dogs

A very dangerous disease caused by a virus. An infected dog can infect humans through a bite.

A disease caused by bacteria found in the urine of animals. Humans can become infected through contact with contaminated water or soil.
The park worm (Echinococcus):

A worm that can be found in dog feces. Humans can become infected when they touch contaminated soil or food.

Diseases carried by cats
Small hand syndrome (Cat Scratch Fever):

A disease caused by a bacterium found in cat feces. Humans can become infected through actions such as scratching or biting a cat.

A disease caused by a parasite found in cat feces. It can pose a special risk to pregnant women.
Salmonella (Salmonella):

Can spread through contaminated food or water, and is sometimes caused by cats touching food.

Description: A disease caused by bacteria of the type "Leptospira". The bacteria are found in animal urine.
Symptoms: high fever, muscle aches, vomiting, jaundice, and flu-like symptoms.
Prevention: vaccination of dogs and little exposure to water areas that were suspected of contamination.
The park worm (Echinococcus):

Description: A worm that is found in dog feces and is mainly harmful in situations where humans touch the soil or contaminated food.
Symptoms: Sometimes there are no symptoms, but in severe cases stomach pains, weight loss, etc. can appear.
Prevention: maintaining hygiene, cleaning areas where dogs are, and vaccinating dogs.

Diseases carried by cats
Small hand syndrome (Cat Scratch Fever):

Description: A disease caused by a bacterium called "Bartonella Hansella" found in cat feces.
Symptoms: fever, headache, stomachache, and swollen lymph nodes.
Prevention: Avoiding cat scratches or bites, educating children not to touch cats in a dangerous way.

Description: A disease caused by a parasite called "Toxoplasma gondii". Cats are the main hosts.
Symptoms: Most healthy people have no symptoms, but people with weakened immune systems or pregnant women may experience symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, or flu-like symptoms.
Prevention: avoiding contact with cat feces, vaccinating cats and keeping their living environment clean.
Salmonella (Salmonella):

Description: A bacterium that can cause diseases in the digestive system. Cats can carry the bacteria.
Symptoms: diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain and vomiting.
Prevention: maintaining hygiene when handling cat food and washing hands after contact with cats.

General methods of prevention
Vaccinations: Animal vaccinations are important to reduce the risk of disease transmission.
Hygiene: washing hands after contact with animals, cleaning animal feces, and keeping the house clean.
Medical care: Regular visits to the vet can help identify and treat diseases before they spread.
Education: Educating children about how to behave with animals can help reduce the risk of infections.

Although there are diseases that can be transmitted between dogs and cats and humans, the risk of contracting these diseases is relatively low if you maintain proper hygiene and medical treatment for the animals. It is important to take care of vaccinations and regular veterinary visits, and observe hygiene rules when in contact with animals.

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