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How do I get the cat to stop rubbing on me?

15 Aug 2024

If you want to get your cat to stop rubbing against you, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Understanding the behavior:
The Cat's Senses: Cats rub to mark territory, express comfort or seek attention. Therefore, it is important to understand that this behavior is natural for them.
2. Defining boundaries:
Keep your distance: when the cat rubs against you, try to stay away or avoid putting your hands lightly. This can show the cat that you are not interested in this behavior.
Use games: draw the cat's attention to games or toys when he rubs against you. It can distract him.
3. Giving other attention:
Play with the cat: When he starts to rub, you can offer him to play with toys, so that he finds the focus on something else.
Touch in other places: When you want to give him attention, you can pet him in other areas (like back or head) without him rubbing against you.

4. Use of physical distance:
Provide another place: place a bed or another comfortable place for the cat, where he can feel safe and protected. That way he can use it instead of rubbing against you.
Keep your distance: When you're sitting or in a certain place, you can try to keep your distance to reduce his need to rub up against you.
5. Avoid positive feedback:
Don't respond: If you focus on stopping this behavior, it's important to avoid giving attention to the cat when it rubs against you. This could include avoiding petting him or talking to him while he does this.
6. Patience:
Process: Remember this is a process that can take time. Cats are creatures with unique personalities, and they may need time to get used to changes.
If after some time the cat still insists on rubbing against you, you may want to consider consulting a veterinarian or pet behaviorist who can help understand the cause of this behavior.

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