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How to deal with pet allergies of family members?

02 Sep 2024

How to deal with pet allergies among family members:

1. Accurate diagnosis:
Allergy tests must be performed by an allergist to understand what exactly causes the allergy (hair, saliva, skin).
2. Choosing a suitable pet:
Find breeds or types of pets that are known to produce less allergens, such as dogs of "hypoallergenic" breeds or animals such as birds or other small animals.
3. Frequent cleaning:
The house must be cleaned frequently, including washing floors, vacuuming and washing furniture.

4. Access restriction:
Care must be taken that the animal does not enter certain rooms, especially bedrooms, to reduce exposure to allergens.
5. Using vacuum cleaners with a HEPA filter:
Vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters can help remove allergens from carpets and sofas.
6. No soft padding:
Avoid soft upholstery on couches and armchairs, which can store animal hair and charcoal.
7. Washing the animals:
Bathe pets regularly to reduce the amount of allergens they leave in the home.

8. Use of air filter devices:
Air filtration devices can help reduce allergens in the air.
9. Medicines:
The use of antihistamines or other treatment supplements that can relieve allergy symptoms should be discussed with a doctor.
10. Guidance of family members:
The family members must be taught how to deal with the pet, such as not petting it and touching its face after contact.
11. Professional advice:
If the allergies are severe, consider consulting with a professional animal handler or allergy management.
With proper planning and awareness, allergy symptoms can be alleviated and you can enjoy a good relationship with your pets at home.

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