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My dog can't stand how to help him?

12 Aug 2024

If your dog is having trouble standing, it could be a symptom of a number of medical problems, so it's important to act quickly. Here are some steps you can take to help him:

1. Contact a veterinarian
Medical examination: This is the first and most important step. A veterinarian can examine the dog and perform tests to understand the cause of the problem.
Professional diagnosis: the dog may be suffering from problems such as arthritis, neurological problems, pain or other diseases that require treatment.
2. Physical support
Provide help: While waiting for the test, you can offer physical support to the dog. Use a support belt or leash to help him stand and walk.
Safe area: Make sure the area it is in is clean and tidy to prevent falls or further injuries.
3. Rest
Activity restriction: Allow the dog to rest and avoid strenuous physical activity until medical advice is obtained.Sleeping place: Make sure he sleeps in a nice and quiet place, away from noise or disturbances.
4. Food and drink
Accessibility: If he has trouble getting close to water or food, consider placing the food and water close to where he lies.
Nutrition: If he has difficulty eating, you can try to give him soft food or moisten the dry food to make it easier for him.
5. Alternative medicine
Physiotherapy: If the vet recommends it, physiotherapy may improve the dog's movement and strength.
Dietary supplements: Dietary supplements such as glucosamine can help in cases of arthritis, but the veterinarian should be consulted before use.
6. Pay attention to changes
Behavior: Monitor your dog's behavior and see if there are any other changes, such as loss of appetite, lameness, or a change in behavior.
Report to the vet: Any additional information can help the vet make a more accurate diagnosis.

7. Make sure there is an emotional connection
The importance of emotional connection
Dogs are very social animals and the relationship with their owners is very important to them, especially as they get older. A strong emotional bond can improve the quality of life of older dogs, help reduce anxiety and contribute to their overall health.

Ways to maintain an emotional connection:
Quality time: Take time to play with your dog, groom him and spend time together. Games like fetching a ball or a toy can be a fun experience for both of you.

Physical care: caresses, massages or hair care can strengthen the bond and help the dog feel safe and comfortable.

Conversations: Talking to your dog in a soft, loving tone can make his experience more relaxed. Dogs understand tone and body language, so it can improve your relationship.

Listening to the needs: it is important to be attentive to the needs of the dog. If he seems tired or needs rest, respect his needs. This will show him that you care about him and thus strengthen the bond between you.

Daily routine: Dogs love routine. Maintaining a regular routine of walks, games and mealtimes can reduce anxiety and give your dog a sense of security.

Active participation: If there are special activities such as trips to chapters or dog parks, try to take your dog. The new experiences could improve his mood.

8. Prevention of dental problems
The importance of dental health
Dental health is very important for dogs, especially as they get older. Dental problems can lead to gingivitis, pain and other health problems.

Ways to keep your teeth healthy:
Brushing teeth: Brush the dog's teeth regularly. Use a special toothbrush for dogs and a toothpaste designed for them.

Snacks and food supplements: There are special snacks and supplements that can help remove plaque and maintain dental health.

Visits to the vet: Older dogs should have regular dental checkups at the vet. In some cases, a professional teeth cleaning may be necessary.

Avoid harmful food: Avoid food that is too hard or foods that are harmful to the dog's teeth. It is important to choose food that is suitable for the condition of his teeth.

9. Adapting the house to the needs of the older dog
Planning the living environment
As the dog grows older, it may be necessary to adapt its living environment to its special needs.

Easy access: Make sure the furniture and areas of the house are accessible. Avoid high stairs or problematic areas.

A comfortable place to sleep: older dogs need a soft and comfortable place to sleep. Consider investing in a quality bed that will support their body.

The guest and the temperature: maintain a comfortable temperature at home, especially in the winter months. Make sure the dog is not exposed to direct sunlight in the hot weather.

Through loving and personalized care, you can ensure that your dog feels better and lives a happy and healthy life.

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