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What medical treatment should be given to a street animal after adoption?

10 Sep 2024

Medical care for a street animal after adoption
Adopting a street animal is an important step, and to ensure that the animal develops in a healthy way, it must be given appropriate medical care after adoption. Here are some of the important treatments that may be necessary:

1. General medical tests:
General tests: comprehensive medical tests must be performed to make sure the animal is healthy. This includes blood tests, urine tests, and physical examinations to identify existing health problems.
Viruses and inflammations: check for viruses such as parvovirus in dogs or flavo in cats.

2. Vaccines:
Basic vaccinations: It is important to vaccinate the animal with the required vaccines, such as diphtheria, rabies, and kitten (cats) vaccinations.
Vaccination against common diseases: check which vaccinations the animal needs according to its age and health condition.
3. Treatment of Parasites:
Treatment of fleas and ticks: treatment should be provided against fleas and ticks, which can cause serious health problems.
Treatment of worms: Treatment against worms (intestinal worms) should be carried out, especially if the animal was taken off the street.

4. Sterilization or castration:
Spaying or neutering: It is important to consider spaying or neutering the animal to prevent uncontrolled breeding and reduce health problems such as cancer.
5. Dental care:
Dental examinations: In most cases, street animals suffer from dental problems. The condition of the teeth should be checked and teeth cleaning performed if necessary.
6. Dealing with previous health problems:
Treatment of injuries or illnesses: If the animal suffers from previous injuries or illnesses, they should be treated as soon as possible.

7. Proper nutrition:
Balanced nutrition: the animal must be given quality food and nutritional balance, which supports its general health.
8. Follow-up plan:
Periodic examinations: Periodic medical examinations must be scheduled at a veterinarian to monitor the general health of the animal and to perform additional vaccinations if necessary.
Arranged medical care after adopting a street animal is essential to ensure the animal's quality of life and health.

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