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Why do humans love animals more than even humans?

30 Aug 2024

People's love for animals is a fascinating phenomenon that originates from several psychological, social and emotional factors. Here are some main reasons:

1. Unconditional emotional connection
Many animals, especially dogs and cats, offer unconditional love. They don't judge and don't expect to talk in return. This connection can be comforting and heartwarming, especially during difficult times.

2. Emotional support
Pets provide a sense of emotional support. They can help reduce stress and anxiety, and provide a sense of belonging. Studies show that pet owners feel less lonely and happier.

. Simplicity of connection
Relationships with animals are generally less complex than relationships with humans. With animals, there are fewer expectations, dramas and conflicts, which makes it easier to connect and bond.

4. Shared experiences
Visiting the park with a dog or playing with a cat offer enjoyable shared experiences. These experiences strengthen the bond between humans and animals.

5. Identification with an animal
Many people feel empathy with animals, especially when they see the hardships they experience. This identification can cause deep feelings of compassion and love.

6. Help and protection
Many animals provide a sense of security. For example, dogs can protect their household members, and this bond can provide a great sense of security.

7. Education and appreciation of life
Sometimes, education about animals and nature teaches us to appreciate life in a different way. This can make people feel more connected to the animal world than to the human world.

8. The influence of media
Movies, TV shows and pictures on social media portray animals in a cute and endearing way, which increases our love for them.

9. The influence of environment
Sometimes, the environment we live in affects our relationship with animals. People who grow up in environments where there are many animals, such as farms or rural areas, tend to develop deeper bonds with animals than people who grow up in the city.

10. Animal features
Many animals display traits such as loyalty, sociability and the ability to sense human emotions. These qualities not only evoke empathy but also make us feel that we are not alone.

11. Opportunities to socialize
Pets provide many opportunities to socialize with other people. For example, visiting the park with a dog can lead to meeting other dog owners and creating new social relationships.

12. Identifying with the difficulties of animals
When people see animals in difficult situations, such as homeless or abandoned, they often feel the need to help. This identification can evoke strong reactions and cause people to develop a deeper love for life.

13. Education and past experiences
Education about the importance of preserving animals and the historical connections between humans and animals (such as working animals) can affect how we see animals today. Childhood experiences with pets can leave a strong impression on our behavior as adults.

14. Scientific successes
Scientific studies show that there are mental and physical health benefits to owning pets. Knowing that our health can be improved through connections with animals may increase our love for them.

Human love for animals is a rich and complex phenomenon, originating from a wide variety of factors. The understanding of these connections can improve our relationship with animals and strengthen the mutual connection between us and the animal world. With all the benefits and shared experiences, it is not difficult to understand why many people feel strong feelings towards animals, sometimes even more than towards humans.

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