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Why does the cat pee on the bed?

27 Jul 2024

Many times people tell me that they have a serious problem of a cat peeing on their bed! Or he doesn't go into his litter box at all to relieve himself there and instead he leaves his needs in strange places for example, on the living room, next to his cat bed, on the balcony and sometimes right outside the cat litter box.

I can identify with the feeling of getting into bed on a cold night and suddenly feeling the bed wet or damp and soaked in cat urine, it's the most annoying thing that can happen to us especially when we are tired and suddenly out of nowhere we need to change all the sheets. Let's try to understand what this is due to and how to solve it. By the way, if this happened to you and you are looking for a good solution to clean the smell of urine from the bed, we have a spray to prevent stains and dog and cat urine.

Why does a cat urinate in strange places?
The first reason:
can be due to a medical problem of the cat. It is possible that the cat has a disease called "FLUTD" which is a disease of the lower urinary tract that originates from crystals in the urinary tract. So it is recommended to consult a veterinarian first.

The second reason:
Cats in general are very clean animals that clean themselves dozens of times a day by licking their fur, and as they are clean so should their toilets. Now it doesn't matter if it's an open litter box or a closed toilet for the cat, the cat wants to enter a clean area without the smell of urine, ammonia or feces and therefore as a result of an unclean litter box, the cat is able to punish the owner by urinating on the bed or anywhere else in the house. A cat is a very intelligent pet and he usually knows exactly what he is doing.

- Consult a veterinarian and check the cat to rule out "FLUTD" disease, and if there is a medical problem, bedwetting will disappear as soon as the problem is solved.
- Adapt the sand to your cat, it can be crystal sand, crystallized sand or normal. Basically whatever the cat feels comfortable with.
- Clean your cat's litter box at least once a day and even more is recommended.

Sometimes the cat tries to tell us something specific in its behavior and if we have ruled out the health doubt we have to go for the behavioral doubt, which means that the cat is showing us or explaining to us in his ways that the problem is probably hygienic for him and he is not ready to defecate in the litter box because of that. We will give you a small example about us, if we were to enter the bathroom that was not clean and even smelly, we would hold back or start cleaning to be comfortable, the cat is not able to clean itself and therefore you must clean and disinfect its toilet area for it.
In addition, sometimes cats do not like the sand in terms of the smell it gives off, so it is advisable to diversify until the cat agrees to defecate in the box without urinating elsewhere.

A cat urinating in the house is an annoying and unpleasant phenomenon, but try to be attentive to your cat and understand where the problem comes from. Try the tips we gave you about the exploits of the naughty cat that urinates in unwanted places in the house.

A cat that urinates somewhere other than the litter box that usually doesn't try to say anything and because we humans don't speak cat language we have to work hard to solve the mystery of cat urination. If there is no medical problem, you can replace his toilet box!

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