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Feline hyperesthesia

19 Aug 2024

Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome is a medical condition that appears in cats, which causes them to behave abnormally and sometimes disturbingly. Here you can find extensive information on the subject:

What is feline hyperesthesia?
Feline hyperesthesia is a symptom often caused by overstimulation of the nervous system, and it manifests itself in different ways, such as:

Overreaction to touch: Cats may feel pain or discomfort when touched, especially in the back and tail area.
Uncontrollable movements: cats may jump, run or deviate from their normal behavior, sometimes in an unexpected way.
Licking or biting themselves: Cats may begin to bite or lick themselves excessively, and sometimes also cause wounds.

Symptoms of feline hyperesthesia can include:

Abnormal behavior: exciting and unusual behavior, including running from place to place, sudden jumps and strong reactions to stimuli.
Excessive licking: Cats may lick themselves at certain points, sometimes causing sores.
Sensations of pain: Cats may show signs of pain when touched, especially in certain areas such as the back or tail.
Scratching: Cats may scratch themselves or their surroundings aggressively, which can lead to skin damage.

Possible factors:
The causes of feline hyperesthesia are not completely known, but there are several possible factors that can contribute to the onset of symptoms:

Genetic factors: There are certain breeds of cats that can be more prone to hyperesthesia.
Stress or anxiety: Cats who feel stressed or anxious may develop these symptoms. Changes in the environment, such as adding a new pet or moving house, can cause this reaction.
Medical problems: There are various medical problems, such as allergies, dermatitis or thyroid problems, that can lead to the appearance of symptoms.

There are no specific tests to diagnose feline hyperesthesia, so the diagnosis is based on observations and symptoms. The vet can perform several tests to rule out other medical problems and find out the exact cause of the abnormal behavior.

The treatment of feline hyperesthesia may include several approaches:

Changing the environment: reducing stressors and providing a comfortable and community environment can help improve the cat's condition.
Medication: Anti-anxiety medications or anti-inflammatory medications can sometimes be prescribed to help control symptoms.
Behavioral therapy: Working with a trainer or animal behaviorist can help cats develop more positive behaviors.
Maintaining skin health: treating skin problems that may worsen symptoms.

Feline hyperesthesia is a complex medical condition that requires special attention and in-depth knowledge. If you suspect that your cat has symptoms of hyperesthesia, it is important to contact the veterinarian to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Early treatment can help improve the quality of life of cats suffering from it.

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