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What are the basic therapeutic requirements for pets?

09 Aug 2024

1. Proper nutrition
Quality food: choose a food that is suitable for the breed and age of the pet. It is important to check that the food contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Water: Make sure that the pet has regular access to clean and fresh water.
2. Education and training
Basic education: Pets need basic education, such as simple commands (sit, come, etc.). It helps to establish a good relationship with their owners.
Companionship: Pets need contact with humans and other animals, so it's important to spend quality time with them.
3. Medical tests
Vaccinations: It is important to observe periodic vaccinations, which protect the pet against diseases.
Veterinary tests: routine tests must be performed at the veterinarian to make sure the animal is healthy.

4. Physical activity
Daily exercise: Pets need daily exercise to maintain their health and improve their mood.
Games: Games with pets (such as balls, toys) can help them engage and release energy.
5. Personal care
Combing: The fur of the cat or dog should be combed regularly, especially if it is an animal with long fur.
Maintenance of nails: the animal's nails must be cut regularly.
Hygiene: the animal must be kept clean, including bathing if necessary.
6. A protective place
Safe environment: it must be ensured that the pet's living environment is safe, without dangerous substances or objects that could harm it.
A place to rest: it is important to provide the animal with a pleasant and comfortable place to sleep.
7. Love and attention
Emotional connection: Pets need love and emotional investment from their owners. This can include hugs, petting and playtime.

8. Basic training
Teach commands: it is important to teach the pet basic commands such as "sit", "come", "no" and the like. This not only helps to control her but can also prevent behavior problems.
Use of positive methods: You should use positive educational methods, such as reinforcements with snacks or prizes, to encourage good behavior.
9. Preparation for changes
Moving: If you are planning to move, you should prepare your pet for the change by giving it time to get used to the new environment.
Living with children: If you plan to bring children into the family, it is recommended to accustom the animal to their presence and teach the children how to behave with the animal.
10. Plenty of stimuli
Toys: Provide a variety of toys that will make the pet feel involved and happy.
Changes in the environment: You can change toys from time to time or introduce new objects to keep the animal interested.

11. Social presence
Meetings with other animals: Pets enjoy meeting other animals. You should allow them to play with other animals, if possible.
Playgroups: If possible, joining playgroups can be beneficial for the animal and help it develop social skills.
12. Regular routine
Daily routine: Pets like routine, so it's a good idea to set regular times for food, play and walking. It helps them feel secure and comfortable.
Quality time: Spend quality time with your pet, even if it's just a few minutes a day. This is important for developing a strong and loving relationship.
13. Mental health awareness
Preventing boredom: Pets, like humans, need mental stimulation. Time should be devoted to activities such as interactive games or training.
Signs of distress: It is important to be alert for signs of distress, such as changes in behavior.

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