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How can I train the dog myself?

16 Aug 2024

Training a dog can be a fun and fulfilling process. Here are some steps and tips to help you train your dog yourself:

1. Start basic
Names and identification: Give your dog a clear and short name so that he can be easily identified.
Focus on basic commands: like "sit", "come", "forget", "no".
2. Positive reinforcement method
Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Give the dog a treat or pet when he does the command correctly.
Avoid punishment, as this may cause the dog to develop fear or resistance.

3. Short and focused training
Conduct short training sessions of 5-10 minutes, several times a day. Dogs tend to concentrate better in short sessions.
4. Quiet environment
Make sure the training is done in a quiet environment with no distractions. This way the dog can concentrate on your commands.
5. Patience and consistency
Be patient. Dogs learn at a different pace, so it's important to be consistent.
Use the same commands and terms every time.

6. Use of games
Introduce games for training, such as fetching an object or sniffing games. It can make training more enjoyable.
7. Professional training
If you encounter difficulties, consider taking lessons from a professional instructor. This can help you understand more about dog behavior.
8. Strengthening a relationship
Spend time with your dog outside of training. Trips, games and quality time can strengthen the bond between you.

9. Gradualism
Go slowly. Once the dog has learned a basic command, take your time before moving on to more advanced commands.
10. Using different words
If you are going to teach different commands, use unique and clear words for each command to avoid confusion in the dog.
11. Practice in different environments
Once the dog learns commands in a quiet environment, conduct training in areas with more distractions, such as a public garden, to increase his skill.
12. Preparation for an emergency situation
Teach your dog important commands like "stop" or "come to me" for emergencies. This can be helpful in unexpected situations.

13. Be positive
Always keep a positive attitude. If you are frustrated, it may rub off on your dog. Keep a good mood during training.
14. Behavior routing
Instead of focusing on what is undesirable, guide the dog to the desired behavior. For example, if he jumps on people, direct him to sit when they enter the room.
15. Positive ending
Every training should end in a positive way. Give the dog a snack or play with him after training, so that he associates positive experiences with training.
16. Clarity during training
If you aim to improve a particular behavior, be clear about your expectations. Teach the dog what he should do and what not.

17. Play time
Include playing time as part of training. Dogs love to play, and this can improve their attention to you.
18. Treatment of behavior problems
If your dog exhibits unwanted behavior, it is important to understand the reason for it. A good relationship with the dog will help you find out what might be bothering him.
19. Cooperation with family members
If there are other people in the house, make sure they all speak the same language when training. Using the same commands and methods is essential.
20. Visual images
Use visual aids or toys to illustrate certain commands. This can help the dog better understand what you want.
Training a dog is a shared journey, so enjoy the process! successfully!

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