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How many puppies should I expect when my pet is about to litter

17 Aug 2024

The number of puppies a dog can have varies depending on several factors, including breed, age, health status and heredity. Typically, a female dog can give birth to between 1 and 12 puppies, with larger breeds tending to give birth to more puppies than small breeds.

Influencing factors:
Breed: Large breeds such as Rottweilers or Labradors may produce more puppies than small breeds such as Poodles or Pugs.
Age: Mature dogs can usually give birth to more puppies than young or very old dogs.
Health: Good health can affect the number of puppies.
Heredity: If the parents had large births, there is a chance that her puppies will also be numerous.

Small breeds: 1-4 puppies.
Medium breeds: 4-8 puppies.
Large breeds: 6-12 puppies.

Pregnancy in dogs
1. Length of pregnancy:
The duration of pregnancy in bitches is usually between 58 and 68 days, with an average of about 63 days.
2. Signs of pregnancy:
Physical changes: A pregnant dog may show weight gain, changes in nipple size, and increased appetite.
Behavioral changes: you can notice changes in mood, such as hypersensitivity or looking for a more comfortable place.
3. Medical tests:
It is recommended to check the dog at a veterinarian after 4 weeks of mating to confirm pregnancy. Ultrasonography (US) or blood tests may be performed.

1. Signs of birth:
Changes in behavior: the dog may seek a quiet and protected place, and may become more irritable or nervous.
Preparation: a few days before giving birth, the dog may stop eating or show signs of fever.
2. The course of birth:
Birth is divided into three stages:
First stage: contractions and organization of the uterus. This can take up to 12 hours.
Second stage: birth itself, when the puppies come out. Each puppy can go out from a few minutes to an hour.
Third stage: the exit of the placenta. Each puppy should be accompanied by a placental discharge.
3. Help in childbirth:
If the dog has difficulty or if there are any unusual signs, the vet should be contacted immediately.

Care of puppies
1. Initial treatment:
The puppies should be checked by a veterinarian after birth to make sure there are no health problems.
Every puppy should receive mother's milk in the first hours after birth, as it contains important antibodies.
2. Breeding the puppies:
During the first month, it is important to maintain a warm and clean environment.
The weight of the puppies must be monitored to make sure they are developing properly.
3. Vaccines:
Puppies should start receiving vaccinations at 6-8 weeks of age.

Pregnancy and birth in dogs are natural processes, but they require attention and proper care. Advance preparation, understanding of the process and appropriate support can ensure that the dog and her puppies are healthy and happy.

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